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Participation in Basic Pension Insurance for Flexible Employees, Status Identity and Sense of Fairness: Evidence from CLDS Data

Author: Upload Time:2022-06-29 Views: Go Back

Associate Professor Xue Huiyuan, Deputy Director of the Social Security Research Center of Wuhan University, published a paper entitled "Participation in Basic Pension Insurance for Flexible Employees, Status Identity and Sense of Fairness: Evidence from CLDS Data" in the 4th issue of the CSSCI journal Insurance Research in 2022.

author】 Zhang Yinkai,Xue Huiyuan

Published journals】《保险研究》

Journal level】CSSCI

【Publication time】Issue 4,2022

【Abstract】Social status identity and sense of fairness are important manifestations of the social security system's function of narrowing the income gap and realizing social equity. The rise of flexible employment not only poses a challenge to the traditional basic pension insurance system, but also puts forward new requirements for the construction of a fairer new social security system. Based on the data of China Labor Force Dynamics Survey (CLDS) in 2014~2016, this paper analyzes the impact of participation in basic pension insurance on the social status identity and fairness of flexible employees. The results show that, compared with the uninsured flexible employees, the participation in the basic pension insurance has a more significant positive effect on the social status recognition of the flexible employees, and the participation in the basic pension insurance has a more significant positive effect on the fairness of the flexible employees. Participation in basic pension insurance has different impacts on flexible employees with different employment relationships and income levels; For low-income flexible employees, the income level has a "crowding out effect" on the basic pension insurance for employees. Suggestions: Improve the insurance mechanism for flexible employees; Adhere to the principle of paying according to the amount of energy, and appropriately narrow the treatment gap between different pension insurances; Regulate the legal relationship between flexible employees and platforms, and strengthen the responsibility of platform enterprises to pay fees.

【Keywords】basic endowment insurance; flexible workers; social status identity; A sense of fairness.

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