The Empowerment and Improvement of the Modern Elderly Care Service System by the Religious Culture of Ethnic Minorities
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Professor Xiang Yunhua, director of the Social Security Research Center of Wuhan University, and his collaborators published a paper entitled "The Empowerment and Improvement of the Religious Culture of Ethnic Minorities to the Modern Elderly Care Service System" in the 9th issue of the CSSCI Journal of Nationalities 2022.
[Author] Liu Xitao, Xiang Yunhua
[Published Journal] 《民族学刊》
[Journal Level] CSSCI
[Publication Time] Issue 9, 2022
[Abstract] The issue of minority pension has become an important factor related to national unity and social harmonious development. The elderly population of ethnic minorities presents the characteristics of large scale and large burden coefficient, and faces the conflict between the pension model and the reality, as well as the adjustment between the ethnic religious culture and the pension system. Ethnic minority cultural concepts and religious beliefs affect the choice of elderly people, and ethnic minority religious culture has institutional, cultural and practical advantages in the process of enabling a modern elderly care service system. Based on this, through cultivating the concept of active elderly care, providing diversified modern elderly care security and people-oriented system construction, the mutual embedding path of ethnic minority religious culture and modern elderly care service system is improved. Give play to the role of ethnic minority religious culture in improving the modern elderly care service system, develop a modern elderly care service system that is compatible with the religious culture of ethnic minorities, so that ethnic elderly people can truly "get old".
[Key Words] Minority nationality; Religious culture; Elderly care service; Hospice care
[Fund Project]National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Project "Demand Identification, Cost Accounting and Financing Sharing Mechanism of Long-term Care Social Insurance" (71904167); China Engineering Science and Technology Development Strategy Hubei Research Institute consulting research project "Hubei health industry development strategy research" phased results
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