The Impact of Student Cadre Experience on the Employment of College Graduates: Data from the Resume Submission Experiment
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Professor Meng Yingying from the Social Security Research Center of Wuhan University published a paper entitled "The Impact of Student Cadre Experience on the Employment of College Graduates: Data from the Resume Submission Experiment" in the CSSCI journal Chinese Population Science, Issue 6, 2023.
【Author】 Meng Yingying,BaiHuixin,Hanjunqiang
【Published Journal】《中国人口科学》
【Journal level】CSSCI
【Publication Time】 Issue 6,2023
【Abstract】Affected by factors such as fluctuations in the macroeconomic situation, a sharp increase in the number of graduates, and changes in the concept of youth employment, the employment situation of college graduates has been extremely severe in recent years. Student cadres in colleges and universities are generally regarded as an excellent group of students, will the experience of student cadres make college graduates more employable? This paper uses the social experiment method to identify the impact of student cadre experience on the employment of college graduates by designing a random resume delivery experiment. The results show that: (1) There is a "halo effect" in job hunting with student cadre experience, and the resume response rate of college graduates with student cadre experience is 6.1% higher than that of the reference group, and the higher the level of student cadres, the higher the resume response rate; (2) The experience of student cadres played a more active signal transmission function in high-quality resumes and applications for personnel and administrative positions, sales positions, state-owned enterprises and public institutions, and the response rates of resumes were 10.0%, 13.9%, 12.1% and 12.5% higher than those of non-student cadres, respectively. (3) Mechanism analysis found that strong interpersonal communication, external support, and emotion management skills may be the signaling mechanism of the "halo effect" exerted by student cadres.
【Keywords】college student employment; Student leadership experience; signaling mechanism; social experiments; Statistical discrimination
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