The "Power" of Generational Care: An Analysis of the Impact of Grandparent Care on Early Child Health
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Yin Jun, Zhang Zou and Duan Yanan from the Social Security Research Center of Wuhan University published a paper entitled "The "Power" of Intergenerational Care: An Analysis of the Impact of Grandparent Care on Early Children's Health in the 6th issue of Social Security Research in 2023. The full text is now forwarded and shared with readers.
【Author】 Yin Jun, Zhang Zou,Duan Yanan
【Published Journal】《东南学术》
【Publication Time】 Issue 6,2023
【Abstract】Children's health is an important guarantee for sustainable economic and social development, and the choice of care mode is directly related to children's health and welfare. Based on the data of the 2018 China Family Panel Survey, this paper empirically analyzes the impact of grandparent care on the health of early children aged 0~6 years, and the results show that after using instrumental variables to deal with endogeneity, grandparent care has a "negative impact" on the short-term, long-term and self-rated health of early children. Heterogeneity analysis showed that the negative effects of grandparent care on the health of girls, rural children and children aged 0~3 years were greater. Mechanism analysis found that grandparent care had a negative impact on early childhood health by shortening the time spent with mothers and reducing the degree of family support. Therefore, in the short term, it is necessary to optimize the supporting policies for family care to help grandparents establish a scientific concept of care. In the long term, by improving the socialized infant care and education service system, we will reduce our dependence on grandparents' care. Take multiple measures to improve the health of early childhood children and promote the high-quality development of child welfare in China.
【Keywords】children's health; grandparent care; Childcare services
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