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Practical Reconstruction of the Fair Allocation of Social Security Rights and Interests under the Principle of Labor Ownership

Author: Upload Time:2023-04-21 Views: Go Back

Professor Wang Zengwen, deputy director of the Social Security Research Center of Wuhan University, published a paper entitled "Practical Reconstruction of the Fair Allocation of Social Security Rights and Interests under the Principle of Labor Ownership" in the first issue of the CSSCI journal Administrative Forum in 2023.

【author】Wang Zengwen

【Published Journal】《行政论坛》

【Journal level】CSSCI

【Publication Time】Issue 1,2023

【Abstract】From subsistence fairness to labor fairness, it is related to the value evolution process of social security from functional distribution to large-scale distribution. From the perspective of Marx's interpretation system of the principle of labor ownership, the abstract theory and deductive starting point of the principle of labor ownership in classical political economy and Adam · Smith's labor theory of value pay too much attention to the self-consistency of theoretical logic, which leads to the mismatch between labor and ownership, resulting in the alienated synthetic fallacy. In order to avoid the "spillover effect" of this theoretical principle, it is necessary to reconstruct the explanatory system of the labor ownership principle based on social practice from the perspective of practice, so as to explain that the moral blame of poverty in society belongs to the attribution fallacy. Because the construction layer of European social theory places too much emphasis on the interpretation of the abstract basis of the principle of labor ownership, and the frequent labor movements in Europe focus too much on wage income itself, thus ignoring the part of individual necessary labor and surplus labor covered by the labor attribute of social security based on labor-employment relationship. Therefore, the axis of deconstruction of labor fairness from theory needs to shift from theoretical ownership to the practical basis of labor itself, and gradually form the isomorphism of labor ownership and labor ownership in practice, concept, theory and value, and finally complete the practical reconstruction of labor fairness in the allocation of social security rights and interests.

【Keywords】 allocation of social security rights and interests; labor fairness; large-scale allocation; Practice refactoring

【Funds】 National Social Science Foundation of China, "Research on Improving the Work System and Security System for Veterans" (21AZD072); "Research on Social Security for Veterans" (20JZD025); Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Fund of the Ministry of Education, "Research on the Structure of Solving the Fertility Problem under the Cost of Raising and Family Benefits" (21YJA60093); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2020AI017)

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