The Logic of Intergenus Differences and Intragenus Differences in the Social Integration of Veterans
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Professor Wang Zengwen, deputy director of the Social Security Research Center of Wuhan University, and his collaborators published a paper entitled "The Logic of Intergenus Differences and Intragenus Differences in the Social Integration of Veterans" in the CSSCI journal Public Administration Review No. 4, 2023. The full text is now forwarded and shared with readers.
【author】Wang Zengwen,Wang Hua
【Published Journal】《公共行政评论》
【Journal level】CSSCI
【Publication Time】Issue 4,2023
【Abstract】The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized the need to "do well in the service guarantee of veterans", and social integration as one of the topics has important practical significance. When retired soldiers leave the military time and space, the internalized values and symbolic rules still exist continuously; The inertia of habit conversion will lead to the adaptability dilemma of retired servicemen due to the transient nature of military to civilian conversion, which will directly affect their social integration process. From the perspective of spatio-temporal sociology, combined with the heterogeneity of military spatio-temporal and civilian spatio-temporal in the material, practical and symbolic dimensions, based on the CFPS database, this paper empirically tested the influence of spatiotemporal transformation on the social integration of veterans by using PSM estimation and mixed OLS regression method. The results show that: (1) From the perspective of subordination differences, veterans are generally higher than counterfactual civilians of the same age in terms of economic integration, social adaptation and psychological adjustment, and there are significant identity advantages. (2) From the perspective of intra-subordinate differences, compared with veterans of the same age, veterans who have been in the military for a longer period of time perform well in social integration because of their better retirement preparations, generous economic compensation and institutional guarantees. The earlier the retirement age, the higher the level of economic integration and social adaptation, and the effect is positive U-shaped. Veterans who have undergone rapid social transformation during the retirement period have a weaker level of psychological adjustment. (3) In the interaction of the dimension of social integration, the intragenus differences of economic integration will expand the intragenus differences of social adaptation and psychological adjustment of veterans. This study expands a new theoretical perspective for understanding the social integration of veterans, and provides policy enlightenment for optimizing the service supply mechanism ofveterans.
【Keywords】 spatiotemporal transformation; retired military personnel; social integration; Difference logic
【Funds】 National Social Science Foundation of China, "Research on Improving the Work System and Security System for Veterans" (21AZD072); Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (20JZD025)
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