Research on the Influence of Medical Insurance Places on the Health Status of the Elderly Migrant Population: Based on the Data of the 2015 National Dynamic Monitoring Survey of the Floating Population
Author: Upload Time:2022-04-11 Views: Go Back
Associate Professor Yao Qiang, a researcher at the Social Security Research Center of Wuhan University, and his collaborators published a paper entitled "Research on the Influence of Medical Insurance Places on the Health Status of the Elderly Migrant Population: Based on the Data of the 2015 National Dynamic Monitoring Survey of the Floating Population" in the first issue of the CSCD source journal China Health Policy Research in 2022.
【author】Yao Qiang,Chen Amin
【Published journals】《中国卫生政策研究》
【Journal level】CSCD
【Publication time】Issue 1,2022
【Abstract】This paper explores the influence and path of medical insurance participation location on the health status of the elderly floating population in China. Based on the data of the 2015 National Dynamic Monitoring Survey of Floating Population and the Anderson Health Service utilization behavior model, the path analysis method was used to analyze the impact of medical insurance coverage locations on health status and the pathway. Participating in the insurance in the place of residence is beneficial for the migrant elderly to participate in health examination (β=0.60, P<0 p="0.001) and medical treatment for minor illnesses (β=0.23, P<0.05), which has a positive effect on the health status of the migrant elderly. For the migrant elderly with chronic diseases, in addition to the two paths of "health examination" and "minor illness medical treatment", the insured location can also affect their health status through three paths: "chronic disease follow-up", "chronic disease follow-up - health examination" and "chronic disease follow-up - minor illness medical treatment". It is suggested to reduce the health inequality caused by the separation of the place of participation and residence of the floating population by improving the overall level of medical insurance, eliminating the barriers to the transfer and continuation of medical insurance and direct settlement of medical treatment in other places, and paying attention to the content of medical and public health services
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